Classic Fishing

Sightseeing Trips

We offer sightseeing and bird watching trips. Cruise around scenic Westernport where we often see swans, spoonbills, sea eagles, chestnut teals, curlew sandpipers, redneck stints, pied oyster catchers and other wading birds, dolphins, seals and mangroves.

We also offer sunset cruises – pick up a hamper, oyster platter and/or bottle of bubbles from Captain Jack’s restaurant at Yaringa Marina and enjoy the sunset over beautiful Westernport.

Other trips are possible – e.g. ashes ceremonies, wild oyster gathering.

Charter rates for sightseeing, bird watching, sunset or ashes trips – $150 per hour for the boat
(minimum 2 hours, up to 10 people, catering is extra – please phone to discuss options).

Contact Glen Harvie on
0417 332 533 for bookings

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